Steart Marsh

Year Implemented


Project Type

Managed realignment


United Kingdom


Parrett Estuary





Habitat(s) Created
  • Lagoon

  • Mudflat

  • Saltmarsh

  • Transitional Grassland

  • Large expanse of freshwater and terrestrial habitats


262 Hectares

Why Undertaken
Project Description Summary

This managed realignment forms part of one of the largest coastal wetland creation projects in the UK, the 'Steart Coastal Management Project'.

It was undertaken by the Environment Agency with advice and site management by the Wildlfowl and Wetlands Trust (WWT).

This large scale project was divided into three management compartments; two of these (initially labelled 'D' and 'E') were earmarked for intertidal habitat creation, and one for freshwater wetland creation (compartment 'B').

Area D, the managed realignment compartment ('Steart Marsh'), has an open (200m-wide) breach to the Parrett Estuary and is 262ha, with 2.5km of internal channels to allow for effective flooding and draining.

Area E ('Otterhampton Marsh') is a tidal exchange area linked to the estuary by a culvert (this scheme has a separate OMReg database record).

The overall project area is 475 ha, including extensive freshwater and terrestrial components.

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